Welcome to Family Chiropractic Clinic, P.C.
Office of Dr. Brenda Shelton, Chiropractor in Longmont CO

Our practice is a complete Family Practice. We utilize a variety of treatment procedures to make your Chiropractic experience truly unique to you. We welcome new patients of all ages.
Dr. Brenda Shelton is a graduate of PALMER College of Chiropractic West. She has been in practice in the Longmont area since 1988!
She utilizes many different techniques in her treatment procedures. Each patient is treated individually with the techniques that Dr. Brenda feels will benefit them most effectively. If you have had previous Chiropractic care and know what methods work for you, Dr. Brenda will listen to your wishes. She does do full Manual Manipulation as well as very gentle adjusting techniques such as the Activator, Cranial Vector Therapy, and the Drop Table method.
Dr. Brenda specializes in Applied Kinesiology, which, basically, involves the study of muscle function. She believes that the muscular system must be addressed, in addition to the spinal joints, to make your treatment more effective. Our goal is to stabilize your joints and balance your muscles.
With your adjustment you will receive Trigger Point Work throughout the muscles of involvement and the use of moist heat packs (if warranted). These methods relax the muscles and enhance the blood flow so that your spine will adjust more adequately, and your adjustment will be more beneficial.
Dr. Brenda is happy to answer any of your questions regarding her treatment with you. One of her goals in practice is to make her patients comfortable with their treatment procedures.
Where Your Family Comes First!

Family Chiropractic Clinic, P.C.
1112 Francis Street
Longmont, CO 80501
p. 303-678-0266
f. 303-678-0355